Ijust got it so true aint i?! Im one of em as well..so no worries to whoever ya'll are..were on the same dam boat. Reunion dinner is just so great isnt it. Gathering of a fam its like a clan havin meetin on dining tables and wining and dinin and shouting at the same time. Talkin bout hwd we kids be growin up...had any gfs available or had work been treatin us well. Talkin bout their past times. Back in their golden age as a good playa,hmm...that's just interestin aint it!?
Weathers been treatin us all so good. The hot scorchin sun and the musky wind that brings in during chi new year. Dam the earth...just dont knwo which bloody hole just been opened up causin such heat.hahahahhaha
Ahh..its a holiday...to everyone..enjoy it...endure the heat its worth alot..and collect more papers..and...Happy Chi New Year to all peeps..even to the non chi peeps...im not a racial redneck. May the year of tiger brings more properity till the end and last till the end wit us all. God bless and Gong Xi Gong Xi...
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