Friday, December 3, 2010

Back on track..aint Lost

These days, the days have been nice and not to mention the weather. Very pleasing, yet a very very comfy sleep tucked into the bed with the warm comforter. Well, so far as we know it, days of days just go by like it. And activities of our lives moves...hmmm...well, my hand are now feeling fine, with no strings attached to it or any of the screws, nuts or bolts.

What a relief aye, i was kinda surprise to know that my strings that are attached to my hands after the op, they were pretty much can be desolve, talkin bout the tech of it. I was amazed, it was somehow like candy, as months would have gone. I am back to gym training slowly. Its been fine, so no worries. Yes gyming alone is not an idea but least can keep up the focus for more improvements on certain parts. Hey dont go on the wrong side of the parts pretty good at it too...

Aight i guess i be signing off, and well be heading down to Melaka fo some holidays and yes, hopefully can meet Hang Tua and the rest of the nuts heads there. Inclusive of some of the english men who are situated there..still situated there.

Peace Out, Des.